Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Songs of Christmas

I have come a long way since last Christmas. All 365 and a 1/4 days. :-) My music has also evolved with me. I have to be given marks for moving from Nirvana and border line Black Sabbath to Evernescence and Linking Park (the rockers who stretched my vocal cords to unimaginable ends. I almost broke my vocal cords during that period). First, before all that, I would like to wish you a merry christmas and a lovely 2013. Thank you for being with me through the year. :D God has big things planned, hope you are prepared.
1.Diamond- Rihanna: I had stopped listening to Rihanna for a while there. She had flown off a tangent and I didn't want to follow her. Plus all those strange rumours....tsk!tsk! but now we be shining bright like diamonds. I know all the words to this song. So much so, that most of them are my very own. So if you ever hear me singing 'Burn bright like a beautiful sea...' I expect no judgement!! 2.Give me Love - Ed Sheeran: Doesn't this song make you want to just wave a lighter in the air and smoke weed. Or be in a high school sitcom. Not Tahidi High, the other ones. I stumbled onto this song by mistake. I was searching for a lift me up song and voila! there I was waving my phone in the air singing 'Give me love, ma, my, ma, my, my..' 3. The Thing- Atumpan: I kid you not, there are days I wake up with this song blaring in my brain. For reasons I cannot explain to myself, I just love this song. :D 4. Beneath your Beautiful- Labyrinth ft. Emali Sande: And here you thought, I would go a full count down without mentoning this song. This is my all time chart topper this year. 'I love you Emali Sandeeeee' said the straight girl at the corner. 5. Trouble - Leona Lewis: And when was the last time you heard of Leona. Last year, never, oh well!! She's back. Great vocals, lovely video and as I sang along, I almost felt like a musician for a bit. Which added her averages in my books. 6. No envy, no Fear - Joshua Radin: I like music that humbles you. Sort of quietens your soul. This song did that. 7. Levels - Avicii: :DDD That is all 8. Make me Fall- Nina Nesbit: Another surprising stumble. You know those suggested tracks on the right side of you tube, sometimes they can surprise you.Half those hits on her video are probably mine but I don't mind. 9. Breath of Life - Florence and the Machine: Disliked the movie, looooved the sound track. I love everything about Florence and the Machine. The voice, the instruments, the emotion. Awesomeness to the ears. So I could only choose one song. If you have not heard this woman sing, I suggest you you tube her right this instant. 10. A case of you- James Blake: This song is old but I only heard it a few months ago....the first time I listened to it, all I could think was 'I want someone to sing that song to me one day.' The emotions in it are so raw and real ....and troubled. A song free of pretenses and flowery imagery. It reminds me of 'Hate me Today- Blue October' which was my break up song a few eons back. Again, I expect no judgement. 11. Kirk Franklin - My life, my Love, my All: This song has carried me through some strange times, some great times and some troubled times. It's one of the songs that reminds me that God is with me no matter what I am, no matter who I am. Sometimes it's easy to forget. This song reminds me. 12. Mali Music- All I have to give: Just give it a listen. :)Tell me if you dont instantly fall in love with the message. Honourable mentions: 7. Just for Lovers - Just a band and Sara Mitaru's whole album. Yes, the whole thing.

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