Thursday, September 11, 2014

An amazing friend in need

I have this amazing friend who did something amazing. Of course.
Now, my amazing friend has an even more amazing friend who is doing something even more amazing. (You need to keep up with the story from here! Grab a pen people.)
My friend's more amazing friend grew up in Kibera and for a long time had wondered the best way to impact his community. In his thoughts and wonderings, he finally opened a feeding center for kids a few years back. The feeding center also teaches kids to read and write and count and be courteous to others. You know.....all those things we take for granted. Through coincidences, miracles, divine intervention and general amazingness, my amazing friend met her more amazing friend and decided to help with the feeding center. She has a heart of gold and so she gathered up friends and foe, strangers and acquaintances, to find ways to help this feeding center. She, my amazing friend, has done wonderful and amazing things all by herself and when I think about it I feel like I should knight her. 'Become a lady of the golden burning spear woman.' said the queen to be in another wonderful life.
So, not a long time ago, this feeding center lost its main donors. The feeding center currently takes care of 50 kids. For most of these kids, this is the only place they get nourishment. I met some of these kids a few months back and they are so amazing and energetic and full of hope and the need to help overwhelmed me a little. At some moments in my confusion, I contemplated adopting. But then at the time, I had absolutely no idea what to do (adopting was clearly not an option). I just watched them dance and laugh and felt helpless for a little bit. But a group of us, have come together to rally behind our amazing friend and her even more amazing friend to help these happy, dancing kids. So we sat, like all normal people in our half of the divide, and discussed this important issue for endless months with endless solutions and did nothing.
But now we have to do something. These kids needed food. We just had to act. This month we have decided to ensure that these little children have a meal a day. When the even more amazing friend sent us a budget, we were shocked at what it takes to feed these kids. It isn't a ground breaking figure, they dont need to eat at the Hilton, just a meal that will nourish them and make sure they survive to the next day, the next month, the next year.
I am not good at asking for anything. My personality does not allow for it, usually. BUT, HOWEVER, MOREOVER here is my plea, (to all 12 amazing people who read this blog), please join us in helping this center feed the children of Kibera. We are accepting any help we can get. Financial, physical, emotional, just forwarding this information to your many, many amazing friends will help. You could write to me in the comments or DM me on @neemom if you need information on our little amazing friends in need.
These girls could be president one day. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wah, I have been planning to comment here for ages, but am queen of procrastination.
    Yeah, how can I help?


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