Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My colleague at work thinks I could be robbed blind. He thinks my signature is too simple. too predictable. I have had the same signature since I was 18. I have never wanted to change it. That would take too much time plus I can do it in my sleep (which should probably not be my reason for pride). But my signature has become a part of me.I could change it. But I don't want to.
We become the people we ourselves, have molded. The world may have an impact on who you become but ultimately, the choice remains in your hands. You become the person you deserve. The person you have accepted to be. If you do not want to change for the better, then you don't have to. However, you cannot blame the world for being a bad person, a mean person, a disliked person. Just like my easy-to-steal signature, you can change at any time. It may not be a walk in the park but it has happened. If politicians can become Nobel Peace prize winners and alleged political criminals can transform to beloved heroes, then what makes anyone think that their behaviour and personality are cast in stone. Are those people more human than you? Is there something that they know that you don't?
Change where you dot the i's and cross the t's. draw the f's a little longer and add a squiggly on the g's and slowly, your signature will change. Change what you don't like and replace it with what you like. So subtly, so slowly, and one day, you shall look in the mirror, and you'll be amazed at how different you've become from when you began.

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