Monday, October 29, 2012

You should get your teeth cleaned.

There are things I can never have the heart to talk about. I see it, I get boggled by what I'm seeing, my mind keeps screaming that I should at least mention towards the area of discomfort and before I know it, "moment over, person left, highly disturbed picture in my mind." Then I keep thinking, I wish I was one of those people who are proudly diseased with foot in mouth. That way, I can include others in my discomfort and life would be grand and beautiful.
Have you had your teeth checked: Yesterday I was in one of those situations where i thought I should say something. I didn't of course. I meet this chap I haven't seen in probably a century or so, ok! maybe a few years. I always knew he was a smoker and by his apparent skinny body, he probably still was. His teeth are the ones that finally told me, his smoking may have increased a hundred fold. There we are, talking about good old days, what have you been up to since the fall of the regime, how are you handling the rising inflation among other important matters and all I could look at were his teeth. Now, teeth have been a very sensitive topic to me in recent times. Seeing, as due to no fault of mine, I am getting 4 teeth plucked *my jaw set funnily when I was growing up. Great for a petite jaw line, bad for wisdom teeth growth.* Anyway I digress. So there I am, staring at the largest amount of white stuff I've seen on any teeth. I assumed it was from all the smoking because I prayed to God on this Sunday afternoon, that it wasn't from lack of hygiene. That would have made my taste in former friends quite questionable. Through the whole conversation, all I could think was, "you really should go see a dentist and get that checked or else next time I see you, you may have no teeth at all." and just as quickly it hit me, that might be a tad insensitive. I mean, we already have mothers and siblings to dish out insensitive comments, no need to add acquaintances from eras past to that equation.
Is there something in your pockets or are you just happy to see me: I may have bumped into a boyfriend of a friend just after he had been with her. Well, as far as awkward moments go, this one is definitely one for the books. I tend to look at men head to toe as they approach me or at least I used to. Just a quirky habit. I look at shoes "very nice." , fit of pants, "could do better." and then, "oh darn. wow!Lawd have mercy!!," I lift my eyes to heavens above and hope he didn't see my quick shift of focus to right above his eyebrow. It takes a lot of effort not to look back down just to confirm that you really did see what you saw. Lesson no. 1 I learnt that day was, look at people directly in the face when they approach you. There's a reason some things are below the belt. Lesson no 2, check your man before he walks out the door. You don't want people thinking, he's just sooo pleased to meet everyone.
The good Lord bless your gorgeous eyebrows: Every person, I would like to believe, has that one thing they notice first in the opposite sex. Hands, legs, butt, abs, hair.....well,*deep breath of intense confession* I notice eye brows. It is strange but true. Of course there are other more normal attributes I notice but I cannot look directly at a man with thick, well balanced and blessed brows. So every time, I bump into a dude with lovely hair definition above the eyes, I sort of stare at the trees beyond him or more hopeless still, I totally ignore him and as such ignore the problem. It is one thing to tell someone they have lovely eyes but quite another to comment on their eye brows. It would make me sound a tad weirder than I already am and then I'd have no friends and my family would have to move to protect their image.
See what I mean.....tihihihi *futile giggles* On the playlist... Fourplay - Espirit de Four....Esperanza Spalding - Black Gold


  1. Hi there! great stuff, glad to drop by your page and found these very interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing, keep it up!

    peabody teeth cleaning

  2. A periodic cleaning can also serve as a significant way to help prevent tooth loss. Along with regular brushing and flossing, there’s no better approach to combating tooth loss than with a simple visit to the dentist.

    Teeth Cleaning St George

    1. Yes i too agree with u, Even i prefer to consult my dentist at least twice in a year.

  3. I haven't gone to the dentist in a while. I think I'll go get a teeth cleaning in Calgary. My brother is a dentist up there.

  4. I brush My teeth two to three times a day and I go to My dentist twice a year. I always love having a good oral health and I am confident with my good smell and fresh breath, Thanks to Manhattan dental clinic they are My favorite dental clinic here in NYC.

  5. I think ill get a good teeth cleaning in Maplewood MN and then just buy a permanent grill for my mouth haha.

  6. Coming from a family that cares a lot about teeth and hygiene; I developed great habits. I brush my teeth three times a day and I floss everyday. I use a lot products to keep my teeth strong and white. There is no substitute for having a great dentist and getting a good dental cleaning.

  7. Getting your teeth checked out regularly is something that can be easily forgone but it's really important. I always start to get nervous about my teeth if I don't go every six months or so. Nothing's better than getting your teeth cleaned and checked!

  8. That’s absolutely true. I totally agree with you. Everybody must be aware about taking care of their oral health. Not only is at a part of maintaining good hygiene, but also a good way of preventing early tooth decay. Thanks for the reminders!

    Arun Narang

  9. I concur with you. One should take care of his oral health. With that stunning smile, you can boost your confidence and face anyone without worrying your breath. Dental work packages in Turkey is one of the best packages I know because of their affordable dentistry.

  10. I have been meaning to go to the dentist lately to get my teeth cleaned. I am always worried about what others think of my teeth. Maybe I could do with a little whitening as well when I do end up going.
    Andre Franklin |

  11. When brushing my teeth, is there a mode of brushing too hard? I know that bad food can damage enamel; I just hope that brushing to hard won't damage my teeth. I have always been curious if mouthwash strengthens teeth as well?


  12. Always brush your teeth twice, and facing some dental issues so consult a Dental hygienist for teeth cleaning and dental checkups.

    - Teeth cleaning in Edmonton

  13. Thanks For Your Blog, was added to my bookmarks.

  14. Thanks for sharing useful tips with us. Always consult a dentist for dental checkups once in every 6 months to maintain our teeth healthy and cavity free. Keep smiling:)

  15. Getting your teeth cleaned can really boost your confidence. I love seeing others with white teeth and I think they know it. I really want to go get my teeth cleaned and also whitened.

    Will Jenkins |

  16. I regularly get my teeth cleaned. It's going to be much easier knowing how important it is. I may have to make appointment this week. My teeth could certainly use it. Thiago |

  17. There are a ton of ways to clean your teeth. I've read recently about baking soda being used to clean teeth. It's interesting. I mean, I've used baking soda to clean other things, but never teeth. It might be worth a try. However, I'm going to check to make sure it doesn't burn your mouth or something.

    Gerald Vonberger |

  18. This is really making me want to go in and get my teeth cleaned. It has probably been well over a year since I last had it done. I would really like to become more regular with that kind of stuff.

  19. I totally believe that you should take care of your teeth. It is one of the most important things you can do. Not only are you going to look more appealing to others, You also are keeping your teeth from getting diseases. I am pretty particular on dental cleaning and I make sure my teeth are clean before I leave the house. I feel it is necessary to take care of them.

    Zach |

  20. Getting your teeth cleaned while not necessary, is one of the great things that sets apart our country from others. We have the opportunity to have complete body health and oral hygiene is a large part of that. On top of regular check ups it is important to brush every day and floss fairly often .

  21. I am an avid tooth brush-er. I love the feeling of having a clean mouth. It really bothers me when I am unable to brush my teeth, especially after I eat. I am searching for something else, something that you leave that clean feeling in my mouth, without brushing my teeth every time I eat.

  22. I hope your friend ends up getting his teeth checked. I've been reading some articles lately that talk about how your oral health could be directly connected to your mental health; particularly Alzheimer's disease. I can't remember a lot of the facts, but I found it pretty interesting. It gives you more reason to take care of your teeth.

  23. The post is really amazing. Thanks for sharing helpful tips with us on dental care.

  24. I find this post helpful for teeth cleaning. We all knows how our teeth and oral is important for us to live a healthy life, so its very essential to take proper care of it.

  25. This is written very well you are a very good writer this is the best article i am reading on the topic. I am agree with you. Hope you will Carry on writing in the same way. Thumbs Up!

    Taking Care of Your Teeth

  26. I have always wondered to myself, as to what kinds of things stick to our teeth, even after we brush. It makes me a little anxious to know what things can we do to get our teeth cleaned, without keeping any unwanted gunk. As far as I know it's only a dentist that can completely get the job done.

  27. Have your teeth checked regularly from a reliable dentist never hesitate to ask and consult problems experienced with your oral hygiene. Best Cosmetic Dentists

  28. With today’s technology our dentists are able to to create perfectly fitting, ceramic restorations and teeth whitening in an instant. This disease is caused by micro-organisms that live in the mouth and make acids when they digest sugars and other carbohydrates.

    Dental Services in Ocala

  29. To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the teeth. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease.For more such insights on the dental world you can follow the twitter page on the following link.

  30. You mentioned that when you look at someone approaching you, you often look them head to toe. Like you, I check to look for the nice aspects of them. If a girl starts walking towards me, the first thing I will check is her teeth. I will look at her smile and see if she has good teeth. I'm not saying that I will look inside her mouth, but a girl with nice beautiful teeth, is very attractive. Which is why I'd like to get my teeth bleached, because they're looking a little yellow and I'd like to make sure that they stay presentable and give that nice attraction off .

  31. thanks for this usefull article, waiting this article like this again. dentist Edmonton Alberta


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