Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A small note for men!

My premise of living is that "life is supposed to be simple." Love, live, life. I'm no expert but I think God didn't intend for us to over-complicate our lives. I was at a training last week where one of the speaker kept emphasising "Less is more and simple is complex". (by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe) The reason this is important is because we are so used to complicated and intense that we find it hard to just be "simple". To try and not over-think our lives and our situations. To do what we need to do, to be free in body, soul and mind. Our biggest complications though are made in the confines of a relationship. Any relationship. Between spouses, lovers, friends, parents and children. Somehow, it takes alot of time (too much time in my opinion) to get to that point where we can simplify and accept things for what they are. We find it so hard to simplify even the smallest situations.
I had the opportunity of listening to Simon Mbevi (Pst)on Saturday evening and he said that rang truer to me than a lot of self help books and ill advice have given me over the year. I will share with you what a man said about relationships. Because after all, every man needs to here it from another man on how to treat a woman before it sinks in. According to his vast research, he found out that most people need 3 things to have healthy relationships. a) Love (preferably unconditional) b) Identity c) Affirmation
Now, from my personal observation and experience, men are usually the biggest burdens that women carry. Men that they love, are especially a thorn on their sides. Their fathers, first love, bosses, siblings. For most, it seems the more a woman loves them, the more the man are determined to prove otherwise. I'm not saying all men are all bad all the time, but for most men, at one point along their way to manhood, hurt one woman so badly, she defined all her future relationships by the standards he left behind. Sometimes, it is not their fault. Wrong has known to be done out of ignorance. But as they grow up from boys to men, you would expect some basic rules to be apparent. This brings me back to Simplicity and the basics of a healthy relationship. If you think critically on those 3 rules, you will see how simple it is to make a woman happy forever.
a) (Unconditional) Love: Mbevi said "whether a woman wants to get married or not, every woman was born with a deep desire to be loved for who she is" I put unconditional in brackets because if we are true to ourselves, we know that we do not date or marry demi-gods, we date massively flawed human beings. Almost as massively flawed as we are. So it would be idiotic to expect unconditional love from them. They may claim it even sing it at the rooftops but we do end up doing things that push that 'unconditional love' to 'conditional dislike'. Even we, as women can't love someone unconditionally. However, we can try to overlook some patterns and flaws that may never change. According to wikipedia:
"Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and 'the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another'. Love may also be described as actions towards others or oneself based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection."
If you think about it, you never knowingly hurt someone you truly love. You want the best for them, the best for their future. Ignoring them for days, kicking them when they are down, beating them, insulting them in public, does not constitute love. If we are to go with the simplicity of what love should be, we should listen to that chapter that is read over and over in all weddings. We should internalise it.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13
Think about it, the next time you are wondering why your woman is bringing you headaches, examine yourself, are you truly loving her. Are the things you are doing displaying the kind of love you want her passing to your children or her future children? Because believe it or not, how a woman acts is s reflection of your actions towards her.
b)Identity: My biology teacher in high school, when she was giving us tips on how to pass exams told us, that to understand anything, you must first start with its definition.
So what is "Identity" - the distinctive character belonging to any given individual, or shared by all members of a particular social category or group.
With this is mind, a vast majority of people describe themselves by their identity. "I am an engineer, IT specialist, writer, nani's daughter, whoever's friend." ; "I am someone because other people can identify me." We hang out with the cool kids so that 'cool' becomes our identity. We go to the 'uptown' places because that is where we want our identity to lie. No man is an island, and less so for a woman. Women hate being islands, much as they isolate themselves from time to time. One of the biggest identities that women hold onto is being "a man's someone". Someone's legit someone. I am yet to meet a clande who introduce's herself as " john, Jim or Jose's clande". They always say "I'm his girlfriend." If a woman does not know what her identity is as far as a relationship lies, it goes without saying that some day, she will tire and move on to find 'her identity'. Because, sad is it may sound, women value that identity. The fact that they belong is very important. In Steve Harvey's book, 'Act like a lady, Think like a man', he emphasises on the importance of "professing". If a man doesn't profess where a woman lies, then it is time for her to rethink her strategy. So, men, a woman is not nagging you because she is a nag....she just needs to know where she lies as far as you are concerned. This is an important lesson. If everything you are doing is behind closed doors, then there's no way in hell, that you are in a happy relationship. The woman finally ends up being fed up. If you created that devil, deal with it.
c)Appreciate: There's this scene from the movie, 'The Help' where the nanny makes the child repeat. "You is smart, you is kind, you is important" We seek appreciation for who we are, from a very young age. We want someone to recognise who we are. You would be lying if you have never wanted some kind of recognition for your efforts. Whether its at work, at home, in a sports field, wherever. We all need cheer leaders in our lives. People who tell us that we are on the right track, that we didn't make a mistake in our decisions. Your significant other, when you decide that is what they are, needs to be your biggest fan and most objective critic. It's what they are supposed to do. Not some times, not when the sun is shining, not when the winter is turning into spring.....but ALL THE TIME. Nothing expresses love and identity like having someone at your corner. Men are told over and over to tell the women in their lives that they are beautiful, they are kind and they are important. If you break her enough with your words (or in this case your silence), with your deeds and misdeeds, you will lose that woman you once knew. A woman who sparkled and lit the room with her mere presence. When you burn that light, you rarely ever get it back. Not doing or saying anything is as bad, if not worse, than going to the other extreme of putting her down for who she is. It doesn't need to be everyday, but every so often, you should look your woman in the face and tell her "You is is smart, you is kind, you is important.". Sometimes, that's all that's needed to fix a problem. This is not from me, it's from a man, so don't go shooting me. We may need to think like men, but would you think less of us if we just thought like women.


  1. Good read hehehe.

    Lakini I have Asperger's and I cannot resist but to say;

    1. That men are experts at saying what women want to hear: not least amongst them is one Mr Mbevi (apparently hehehehe...)
    2. A man may yell all he wants about Love, but he will not polish old things if he does not feel that they ADD VALUE to HIM. Kweli
    3. A man must PRODUCE something to make sense to a woman, women would never bother with a man otherwise. A cow produces milk and meat; a farmer would be hardpressed to keep one if it didn't. But sometimes the cow has too much milk and other farmers dive in.
    4. Conversely, a woman need not coerce "Love" out of a man if she is something/someone HE needs, but if not...hehehe...



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