Friday, November 25, 2011

Are you dreaming right?

I want to be rich, I want to famous, I want to be a size 2 body with a size 16 intelligence. I want to be superman. I want to be everything. All at once or nothing at all. I want to be the best at everything. Everything there ever was.

We all have dreams. Big ones, small ones, strange ones, desperate ones. You wake up in the morning and hope that today is the day your dream shall come true. So you work at it, you make vision boards, you idolise and study,you pray and meditate, you hold on strongly everyday and hope that you are heading towards that direction. Everyday you hope.

If I was to be given a vision board to map out how my life would go, it would be an incredible route of me being under educated, under worked and over paid. If wishes could be horses, right? It would have a sprawling house in Tigoni, a bunch of well behaved kids (does 2 constitute a bunch?) and cars that could do 0-60 in milli-seconds. I'd work from 9 to 3 and holiday in the Maldives (I have no idea where that is) I would be a most sought after human being with well sought after qualifications.

So what happens when your dream feels like its moving away instead of coming closer, when you start losing focus and your way becomes misty or even goes pitch black? What happens when you feel like you are on the right path but heading in the wrong direction? You have studied, exercised, applied yourself, prayed, chanted but it always feels like something is always missing? Like every time you put your foot on what seems to be the right step, the step moves? What happens when you start giving up?

Sometimes we forget what drives us, sometimes we don't realise what drives us has changed. Sometimes we get blinded by other people's dreams or at their speed of achieving these dreams. Sometimes we just get discouraged by obstacles and shifts of nature. Sometimes we just need a break, we want to live someone's life for a little bit before going back to our unbeaten path. Sometimes we just forget.

But you know what? As I am quietly realising, God will not let you dream bigger than you can handle. Maybe it is not time for you to handle everything He is about to give you. And perhaps, He is preparing you for a vision board much greater and much more detailed than you can imagine. Maybe He is just waiting for you to trust enough in yourself, in your abilities and in your dreams. Nothing is too great for the Almighty, right?

So don't stop believing in your dream. Because it'll mean to stop believing in yourself and I highly doubt that was the plan. Because the dream is there for a reason. That you dream it because it is uniquely you. You just need to dream right. Dream strong. If you don't fulfil it, who will?


  1. I love this post! it spoke to me in so many ways...I have been feeling like am walking in the wrong direction for 1.5 yrs now ...... Thankyou for confirming that I am in Median for a reason and soon to be delivered to Egypt....

  2. People who are afraid for their future usually end up being over achievers. These are the reflections of one with fear...and they likely will be end up being successful


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