Monday, May 9, 2011

Lessons In The Cold...

So I went on a soul searching mission last weekend. It was way more fun than I anticipated. Way, way more fun. So off I went to the cold of Limuru to meditate, internalised, sing and dance. The place was ridiculously cold. Not to mention the fact that I had packed like I was going to the coast instead of the cold, misty Limuru area. Which was strange. I always pack a scarf to go to the coast for "Just in case" BUT there I was with barely a sweater to go to the perpetually cold Limuru....who does that???? Anyway, I did pick up a few literally tit-bits that both amused and made me wonder at the same time:

1.Sin in Haste, Regret in Leisure - Agatha Christie.

Now if there's anyone who loves sinning in haste, it is yours truly. Ok! well, not in recent times but I used to be a rather derailable creature before age caught up with me. There are some things I look back at and think yenyewe "Mungu Alinionekania" (directly translated: For real, God saw on me!). There's so much to regret when we act fast and think little. Youth does that to us. Thinking that we can live with no regrets. No consequences. But if you are going to sin, I guess, you should sin in leisure, that way when you are regretting in leisure, you have some semi-good memories to fall back on. My advice though: Try not to sin at all.

2.If you give what you do not need, that is not giving - Mother Teresa

I always wonder how people end up being quoted, I guess it's by saying profound things like Mother T. Do you just offer help because you are available and in the area or do you do it because you genuinely want to help.I guess some of us, me included, tend to help with the left overs and not with the best. You give out your worst clothes, cook your most basic meals, give out the weakest plants in the garden, offer your services when you are most tired etc etc. You may call it what you want, but what you are doing is off loading excess baggage. Giving is from the heart. Giving is about pure sacrifice.

3. We make a life by what we give - Henry Ford

Not to beat this horse dead but I guess it was suddenly clear to me how little I helped before.Giving should be a part of everyday life. Some of us have more than we need, we just don't plan for it as we should. Giving makes a difference in so many people's lives. It defines who we are. Take last week and Ngendo's family (Read it here). It demonstrated the power of giving and what it can do. Someone somewhere is noticing what you are doing and you shall reap where you have sown.

4. Forgiveness is not for the Forgiven, It is for the Forgiver - Faith Mugera

Now forgiveness is rough on all of us. We want to hold grudges until that person gets hit by a car on a road with unmoving traffic or struck by lightening on a clear sunny day. We want to sit around plotting and praying that some unfeeling woman will step on their toes with stilettos. At the very least, they should experience our pain in double doses. But if you don't forgive, how will you ever heal? When will you ever think of other more important things? Your arch nemesis has already moved on and yet there you are "you hurt me, I will kill you now" like a bad Kung-fu actor. Life is not fair BUT forgiveness does bring peace. If only for that, we should learn the practice of forgiveness.

5. Remember who you are - Mufasa, Lion King

To understand the depth of this you have to watch the clip:

Most of us forget our own greatness. Some of us don't even know of our own greatness. But every time someone puts you down or you feel like you can't go on or think that you could just shoot your stupid neighbour next door, remember this scene and in a deep baritone voice (it has to be deep and baritone) look in the mirror and "Remember who you are. Remember." Because once you give up, you deny the world of your awesomeness.

6. Hii game yenu ni chafu - Some chap on the pitch (Loosely translated: This game of yours is dirty)

Yes, I played soccer. For the first time in never and I must say, my right foot should be insured. I should be ranked right up there with Cristiano and Messi and just maybe Rooney (although I think my skills are way better) It was awesome on that pitch. Soccer is a rough game and I am sorry to have ever called any player a sissy. Although they really should stop diving at every single touch. I hadn't been on a field, any field in a long, long time so it was fun and loose and tiring. And I scored a penalty kick with my amazing right foot. I may never walk right again but " game yangu ni chafu". You best believe.

1 comment:

  1. now that was some weekend away! i love the lessons especially no. 5 ''once you give up, you deny the world of your awesomeness. '' well said

    you play soccer??? awesomeness right there :)


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