Monday, April 4, 2011

bloggy tag day

you've got to meet one of my new fav blogs to follow - GraceKay from Life Happens hers is interesting and different and her heart always seems so gentle. I don't know how I bumped into her blog but I've been an avid reader since. It's simple and nice so she went ahead and tagged me in this here post. (I have never met you but you're definitely on my bucket list!)

Rule 1: the tagged person must post answers to the questions on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new one they've formulated themselves (Hmmm....did someone just make this up!)

Rule 2: tag 4 people to do this quiz

1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals or are they members of your family?

I'm not an animal lover. The only way I'd like to be near animals is in a park when I'm in one those cool tourist van thingys.

2. If you could have a dream come true, what would it be?

Where to start....I have always wanted to sing in concert but my voice is of questionable character. That's a decent start I think

3. What would you do with a billion dollars?

Gracekay said such awesome profound things. Now ... First things first, there some awesome shoes I'd like to buy, clear my loans (especially HELB) buy a sizeable house for myself. From there. I can think of investing the rest!

4. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?

A good laugh from good friends never fails. There are just some friends who know w'sup But lately even chocolate cake seems to do the trick nicely.

5. What is your bedtime routine?

Brush my teeth, change into comfortable clothing or cloth as the case may be, throw in a dvd and fall into a deep sleep. The dvd habit is one that I've been unable to kick. Sad but true!

6. Name something that has surprised you this week about motherhood - i changed this question cause i don't have a child yet - Name something that has surprised you this week about being a woman.........

In church they were talking about "Pink Men". Men who just don't want to step up and play their role. I learnt that women play a large part in making men who they are from childhood to grown men. I learnt I have a role to play in making my men real a woman!

7. What kind of books do you read?

Everything other than self help books.I'm currently in between The Introvert Advantage, John Grisham's "The Summons" and He's Just Not That Into You.

8. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Married and successfully running a "Top 100 Mid-Sized" Company.

9. What’s your fear?

Dying alone. Strange I know but very true.

10. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to see outer space?

Could you repeat that question in different words.

11. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

hit snooze

12. If you could change one thing about your significant other, what would it be? Or, if you’re single - if you could choose a significant other who looked like anyone in the world, who would it be?

hmmm... I smell a trick question here.....

13. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?

Shaniqua. Always wondered what it would be like to be that bad arse ghetto chic with a weave more expensive than my apartment.

14. if you had to choose between six months of sun or six months of rain, what would you choose?

Rain. You can always dress for the rain. In hot weather, you can only be allowed to remove so many clothes before you're arrested.

15. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?

Ugali, skuma and nyam chom. Does that count as 1 thing.

16. What is the thing you enjoy about blogging the most?

It helps keep the voices in my head sane.

17. Do you prefer salty or sweet foods?

Salty any day.

18. What items are in your purse right now?

My handbag handle broke. So what's in the paperbag.....wallet, diary, wet wipes, tissues, tic tacs, elastoplast, emergency for emergencies, lip balm, vaseline, 2 pens, 3 flash disks, my phone, a charger, a small lotion and a small body splash, car keys.

19. If you had to choose between vacationing at the beach or in the mountains where would you go?

beach. I did the mountain last year.

20. What do you watch on television that you know you shouldn't? i don't own a tv so i changed this one to - what websites do you visit a lot that you know you shouldn't? Hilarious and silly.

there you have it peeps!! thanks a lot danni, this was fun :D

i'd love to hear from - ShikuMsa, Green Calabash, Mrs Mwiti and Lamzana


  1. I'd also like to hear from JackieNdinda!

  2. Now I know who are pink men... who among my 'collegues' do you suggest i invite??

  3. Bring them all. There's something for everyone to learn. Bring yourself too! :)

  4. Murasta Y U NO tag Mr. Wiselar on this post?

    **sulks ;)

  5. I was only told to tag 4 guys.....
    But since I have never been great at following rules:
    @wiselar: What is in your handbag :) Anyway sic love. Fill in the questionnaire appropriately!

  6. ha ha i loved reading your answers! thanks for playing along


  7. Hehehehe si I'm tagged again. I have a dubious habit of taking forever to honor these tags but I do honor them with time. Now let me see......


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