Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A day of LOL's and purple couples

It started of as a decent enough Sunday. If I have never said I like my Sundays I am saying it now. I don't know why I had to accept a lunch date. I prefer all my activity squeezed in Monday to Saturday. Sunday is a day to contemplate, praise the Lord and nap but I hadn't been on a date with a person I didn't know in a such a long time. If I told you in how long it had been, there would be an intervention of sorts from close family and friends.

So I was curious. I wanted to know what has changed since I had been away from the "dating scene". I wasn't particularly excited. In fact I wasn't excited at all. You see when this particular person first texted me, he wrote(and I kid you not!) "LOL :)". Now, I have a hard time understanding those things on chat. To see them on my phone felt like a personal assault. So personal that I showed my brother and we had a good chuckle about it. I am not a mean person but I couldn't understand a grown person writing that without feeling slightly embarrassed.

So eventually after weeks of dodging LOL, we decided a Sunday was a good day to meet. My sacred Sunday. I was going to meet him during my nap time. Which is usually the time between church and an early supper. I didn't dress like I was going on a date. Nowadays every time my mother sees me in a dress, I get the feeling she holds herself back from following me and forcing me into marriage. I get why she worries so I'm trying not to put her hopes up. So off I went to meet this person who wrote acronyms in his text.

I was late. No fault of mine. I am generally always late for a lot of things. He looked pissed. I didn't care too much for his attitude. People who don't use vowels in their texts don't get to have a say in my life. I am a grown woman people. I don't like encrypting texts anymore. There were no hugs at the beginning, no signature "heeeeeeyyyy" when I walked in. I smiled and sat and waited for fate to take over.

We stared at the menu for what looked like 20 days give or take a few minutes. He didn't say a single word. Not about the food, not about the weather or the strange woman with the strange pink hair seated on the next table. Finally LOL asked about what I do. I told him and asked what he did. That was the last that I spoke. He talked about his job. He talked about his campus life, he talked about everything and I felt like every time I said something, he never heard me. He just continued on about whatever he was saying. Like my voice was too low. I wanted to shout so that I could be heard. I think I'm somewhat of an interesting person. At least I always thought so.

Somewhere in between listening to rendering cartoons and the pool game in which LOL won 4000 bob (that was an interesting story by the way), I saw them. The purple couple. She had a purple dress on and he had a matching purple shirt. He was pushing the shopping cart and she was talking animatedly and pointing. On any other day, I would have giggled and wondered what manner of cheesy people they were. I knew them so I knew what manner of cheesy people they were (they were very cheesy people.The kind that make you think dressing alike was cool). On Sunday, I wanted to be the purple couple. I wanted to run home and tell someone about this ridiculous date I was on and laugh at the cartoons LOL drew and take my long awaited nap. I wanted my own purple dress with a purple shirt to match.

I had been in relationships before but I don't think I had ever been a real part of a couple before. My relationships tended to end the way they began. Like we were at a bus station just bidding our time until one of us left on the next bus. I really did not want LOL to be at my bus stop. I wanted him to leave me alone with my book and my milk shake and my chicken strips. I wanted him to go to the next table and tell the girl with the pink hair his stories. As I watched the purple couple load up their car, suddenly, wearing matching clothes made sense and shopping as a Sunday afternoon activity stopped being so random in my head.

The purple couple drove off. I finished eating. He's a tipper, that was a good sign. I waved goodbye and went home. I can't tell you much about my Sunday afternoon date. He did text later with more LOL's and I made an effort to wake up and watch his show (the cartoon he draws!) but all I could remember was the purple couple. Like I was in a black and white movie and they were the only ones in colour.

That evening I thought about my transition from LOL to matching purple outfits. So maybe I have changed in the time I have been away. Maybe I don't think that not making my bed and napping all of Sunday is a superb way to spend my Sunday any more. So maybe its time I got back on the dating bandwagon and see whether eventually I will transition to those ridiculous matching outfits. Then I can tell my purple shirt about the ridiculous date I just had with a cartoonist.


  1. Ok this is awesome.
    Really funny and deep.
    Am on the dating bandwagon, but at times it still feels like am waiting for my purple shirt...

  2. Yaani me walking u to ur LOL date is what made u late.


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