Monday, July 26, 2010

The Constitution.

I started reading the draft constitution this weekend. Never thought the day would come when I'd start feeling this patriotic but then again, miracles happen. Like most churches, our church has been very active in the constitution process. Yesterday, our senior pastor finally decided that he will talk about it at the pulpit. Shockingly enough, he didn't berate and belittle the constitution like most church leaders are doing. He did not even try to sway the congregants to vote in one direction or the other. It was simply a talk on facts and conscience. Vote in the direction your conviction and your conscience leads you. Here are a few things that he said yesterday that I thought were quite profound.

1) Read the Constitution:
I know this sounds a little obvious but it is shocking how many people are going into this referendum process without a clue on what the real issues are. Hear say and reading are 2 very different things and it is important to know exactly what is contained in the constitution.

2)Listen to other opinions different from yours:
Being a democratic state, everyone has a right to their own opinion however ridiculous their reasons. But the only way you can make a proper and informed decision is by listening to all faces of the cube. This is not something you can do on your own. Argue, discuss, listen and discern. Not all opinions are right but then again not all opinions are wrong.

3)Seek to understand.
Not all of us are lawyers so some of the jargon seems to be getting lost in translation in our limited understanding. There is a civic education class on national channels every evening at 6.30. It would be nice to tune in occasionally to understand the statutes and limitations of each clause and how it affects each of us.

This is not so obvious to most of us. This is a tough decision for all of us. Whichever direction the wind blows on this one will have a tremendous effect on our future as a nation so maybe it would be prudent for all those who believe to present their decision to God in prayer. If not to get a sign on the direction to vote, at least to clear your conscience that you have made the right decision to the best of your knowledge. Also, that the 2008 debacle will not happen again which is just as big an issue.

5) Finally and more obviously, Vote.
Everything will be in vain if you don't at least show up and vote. Kenyans are a peculiar people no doubt and the biggest reason most are not voting is because the 2008 PEV. Your decision not to vote will not prevent it from happening again. However your vote will give you a right to make your voice heard.

9 days and counting. If there's a bigger decision that will ever be made in this country, I don't know what it would be. Vote Red, Vote Green, Stand on the rooftops and scream or make your decision in silence, make an informed decision and vote wisely.

1 comment:

  1. There should be no canvassing for votes in a referendum for a constitution. In fact it should just be civic education. All those campaigns in favour of and against it should be banned. It is not a political office we are voting for.


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