Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Oh Lord, please give me an intelligent man!! I beg-oh!

In the beginning, God made man (first) and then because like many men, Adam was a heavy sleeper, God harvested his good organs and made woman. However before Adam fell into his deep sleep, he was quite the intelligent chap, he put his superior mind to work, naming things all over the place......like a baus!!! Then Eve shows up and suddenly little Adam took over. Now I have the burden of child pain and he has daddy issues. However, even when his intelligence failed him miserably at the famous tree, we considered Adam quite the intelligent fellow. He didn't fair too badly after the fall either....although those lies could have used some work.
So what is the purpose of this history lesson? In all my upbringing, I was taught that the men I hang out with, even briefly, should have a bit of Adam in them. They should be stronger intellectually, spiritually and physically. Anything less and I shall be shaming my family name. You see, I have always had some level of intelligence around me. My brothers,family, friends, colleagues, etc....they may falter in a lot of ways but when I interact to them, I always learn something. They are curious, they are interesting and most of all they are intelligent. I may be better than them in one or two thing (at which point I scream girl power and in all my feminism classiness) but hardly ever I am better in all things. Even their deceit is well thought out. I forgive them because of how impressed I am with their effort......and also,I have a big heart.
Then I met the blondest of them all. Whaaat?! At first, he looks like someone you can have a good laugh with, maybe a conversation on the financial recovery in Eastern Europe or the Windmills in Ngong Hills. He dresses nice, he has many friends (so maybe they talk alot of important things), he seems to have worked hard for his things (they are nice things)and he really takes care of his skin. Maybe that skin thing should have been my first clue of what he thought was important. I do not know a man who takes care of his skin. A man does not get too concerned with pimples and things. Even Harvey Spectre has large pimples on his forehead all through Season 3 and he never EVER mentions the pimples. Three weeks after meeting him and a few shared meals, this was the conversation trend:
Him: What is making your skin so rough? It was so smooth.
Me (With a raised eyebrow): Nothing, just happens sometimes.
Him (with condescending sneer): You should do something about it. Do you drink water
Me (with even higher raised eyebrows): I shall try!
He never let that conversation go for a week. A week people!!!! One full week. However, when I spoke to him about my career shift and the reasons I switched and what it took out of me, here was his reply, "so now you are being paid less!" O_O -_- O_O. In between those conversations about my yo-yoing skin, he has monologues about other people and their lives, the people he knows, other things he has, other beauty regiments he has heard off that could shed the kilos (his shape is round) and most importantly how much everything costs. I have nothing against an occasional gossip but I have something against constantly talking about other people. Especially when Syria is in crisis. So I usually let him talk at least 95% of the time while I dream of a better world and peace for all men. Sometimes I feel I should confess for whatever sin I committed for such punishment.
*pardon my French* So here is my prayer Lord, that I may never be so desperate to just accept advances from every person. I may die of boredom and brain atrophy before my time, and I can assure you I have some things left to do and I pray (and this is important), give me a man who's intelligent, who will get my awesome jokes and who will make me feel like a woman both spiritually, physically and most importantly intellectually. I beg-oh Father, I beg, save me from this nonsense.


  1. Hahaha! You sure do know how to pick 'em! I beg-oh for you-oh!

  2. When things get too deep, people drown. Will send you a guy who gets weekly pedicures and loves to talk hair. Enough about pimples!

    1. Hehehe. Deep words. We've discussed hair, dish colours.... I agree we don't have to be deep but jameni, we have to try and discuss important things from time to time.


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