Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have been very emotional lately. I don't know why. One minute I'm doing great and then something happens and I'm biting down the tears. There's nothing strange about this if it was happening to someone else. But me, I dont cry. Of course I cry at funerals and should someone break my heart, I will shed a couple of tears to commemorate the event but I never just cry for the sake of it. I will admit thought that I do occasionally cry at Grey's Anatomy.

But I realised it had gotten really bad when suddenly, I started bawling last night after coming home and finding the family had finished the Nyam Chom they had for dinner. I was starving and had explicitly said I was coming home. Now, under normal circumstances this wouldn't be a big deal. But for some reason,I couldn't hold it in. I washed the dishes, walked to my room and cried. I cried because I was hungry and partly because for some strange reason, I felt forgotten. It was terrible. It was unlike me and strange.

Last week, I was silently weeping at my desk for no apparent reason. Just there biting down at my lip and staring hard at my machine hoping no one else notices. I don't know what's going on. I really don't. Maybe its because everyone else's life seems to be moving forward and I feel stuck. Maybe its because alot of the people I love or really like are leaving and it feels like they are leaving me. Selfish I know but there has to be reason to this madness. Maybe all my repressed emotions are fighting to finally get out. I don't know.

As such I've been unable to psyche up for anything. I'm doing stuff because its being done. No excitement, no dramatics, just an emotional woman who is slightly lost in her world. I don't hate living life but I don't feel like doing anything either.

It's absolutely terrible. The people who are able to fix such evils are either leaving physically or have left psychologically so I have to wing this by myself. I want to wake up one morning and just smile. No hysterical laughter, no bawling tears, no forced conversations....just a good day. A day like everyone else's. A good day.

I don't know what triggered this but I do hope an antidote is coming soon. Coz there's nothing else left and my lip is getting real tired of being bitten down.


  1. That pic...LOL! I sure hope you don't get that emotional!

    So anyway, Random infor: Some pregnant ladies are known to be overly emotional...So I guess the question here should be...oh never mind. :-)

    I hope this phase passes soon.

  2. Hehehe!yeah...That miracle only happened once and with good reason.
    I've even started eating ndimus to see if they'll help calm down the hormones. Thanks.

  3. sounds like fatigue building up dear, i get that emotional when am just overworked or in need of a good break - works wonders!
    this too shall pass :) *hug*

  4. @grace kay. :-) I wish I could just tell my boss that and walk out. If only life were that easy...if only.

  5. was hoping for a sequel to the bride...hope you figure out whats up and get better...

  6. The sequel is coming up. Thanks will get better soon. :-)

  7. Sowwy. Feel better soon...

  8. ok,seeing as this post was from last month,i hope things are looking sunny:)
    With the encouragement out of the way, that picture has absolutely killed me!LOLEST!

  9. I feel you on this post. However for me, I found the underlying reason in my personality type as a Sanguine.
    My highs are high and when my lows hit, they take away all the sunshine.


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