Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Allure of Power!

"It is better to be feared than to be loved!
You may have brought the world to a new day...
But that day is done!
We rule by night!" (Kings)

(I watched that scene five times...3 times on my own and twice when I randomly walked in and found other people watching it. The series Kings is loosely based on the story of King David(of the Bible). I say loosely based because it had a million inconsistencies. I have been going to church all my life. I never quite took to reading the Bible. Suddenly, I watch this and now I want to know everywhere they went wrong. Anyway, that said, I really liked this series.)

I don't know why this quote stuck. Maybe it was the English they used, maybe it was the tone of voice, maybe it was just the sheer power it exuded. I personally hate the dark and this scene was really dark. I can't see, I'm scared of bad things happening so I look over my shoulder all the time and I trip over everything so when the light does eventually come, I'm usually looking bruised and battered and I'm skittish like a new born.So it couldn't have been how dark the scene was.

I'm however sucker for power. The absolute confidence in that statement. The purity of the decision and the pregnant pauses between words (Why do they call them pregnant pauses...so crude.) I swear, five times I watched that scene and five times my heart stopped and the fifth time, I lip-synced along to the words and wished at that point I was King Silas with all his 99 problems (including the one Jay Z says he didn't have).

Women like power. That's how old men who can barely get a rise without medication have the lion's share of pretty females in the club. For some it may be the money but for most, its just the closeness to such power that attracts them. Power evokes confidence and decisiveness. Not only in the man but in the woman. Powerful people can say the most ridiculous random things and it will sound like it came out of the mouth of God himself. They have an air around them that makes them infallible and unshaken by events....it's an allure second to none.

It doesn't have to be power in its conventional sense. It just has to be power over the woman in question. Power over her emotions, her thoughts and even her movements. When a woman allows you to have that kind of absolute power over her, it means there's now absolute trust in the unknown. Absolute trust in the man. Absolute belief that the man will not hurt her, will always protect her and will provide for her.

The act of entrusting a man with power is for a woman a very intimate and absolute one. It takes a lot of thought, consultation and sometimes even a truck load of prayer coz let's face it, men tend to abuse that power every chance they get. All in all, when a woman reaches such powerlessness, I believe it's when she is at her happiest. She knows there's always someone who has our back, front, sides, top, bottom. There's someone to fight for her, protect her, provide a shoulder to cry on and occasionally take her tiny 900cc car to the garage.

Of course she doesn't want to walk around fearing her man's every move but she definitely want to be ruled by night. And by day, she wants someone declaring absolute power in the loving and caring way that only true kings do. Not in the bragging and dictatorial way of a tyrant. Circumstances may have pushed women to believe that they are independent states that can survive on their own but truth be told, every independent state needs a king, a guide, a powerful, confident and decisive leader. A radar that directs towards a future.

Occasionally women will revolt. In the new constitution its being referred to as "peaceful picketing"! That's when peace talks and dialogue take effect. Communication in its basic and purest form. Either that or you will be overthrown by the next powerful leader who comes with bigger and better promises. If as a man, you ever have the privileged of being given such power by your woman (and I use the term "privileged" very strongly here), think very carefully how you use it because power encompasses everything. Her love, her trust, her independence, her sex. Everything. You lose that power, and its goodbye, so long!

Back to Kings:
Like any good programme that is out to give profound teachings,

"It is better to be loved than feared,
Some of us were wrong and thought it the other way round,
When you're feared, you die alone,
When you're loved....you die happy!"

That was said a couple of scenes later when a slab of meat was shared (I learnt on Sunday that a slab of meat is the ultimate show of affection to a man)

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