Monday, August 2, 2010


This week is going to be a week of choices. Our country goes into the polls for one of the biggest decisions it has ever made. So it is no surprise that my mind was more or less focused on the choices I have made and are going to make.

August 4th not withstanding, we all have choices to make every day of our lives. What to wear in the morning, what to eat for lunch, which client to hate that week, what shoes to wear to a wedding. Yes, some choices are that shallow but there are some that are slightly more life changing. More life and death. The kind that make you wish you could be someone else.

Everyone approaches important choices differently. For some it's a challenge, for others it's a problem they could do without but ultimately, you have to make a decision one way or the other or else the decision will be made for you. And rarely will you like the consequences.

It's easy to brush off a big decision, close your eyes and hope fate takes the right course. Until you slowly discover that fate is a cruel practical joker just waiting for a silly person like yourself to practice his trade on. And boy, will he have a good laugh at your expense.

However, every choice you make has consequences and the bigger the choice the bigger the repercussion. And although it is prudent to research and think and rethink and draw up a chart to help you along, there is such a thing as over-kill. A danger in itself since the world will move on and leave you still furiously working towards a decision that is no longer an option.

Eventually, we all have to make our choices in life. We all have to say from time to time "what's the worst that could happen?" and jump in with both feet. But we have to remember, there are some choices that don't have a reset button. Once the decision is made, there is no looking back. So this week, and for weeks to come, choose wisely but also choose in a timely fashion. Life waits for no man (or woman).

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