Friday, September 9, 2011

Sum it up

If you could sum up your life in a sentence. If a personality robber came and held a gun to your head and asked you to say who you are but only gave you a sentence, what would you say? Many people would probably die. We have no idea what we are doing her. What our purpose is. Apparently you're supposed to be so sure that all it could fit in one sentence and be clear as daylight what you mean.

Life is complicated. It has its own level of surprise. Stranger than fiction they say. But everyone has a baseline. I think. If you have watched the series "Lie To Me", the guys always look for a baseline. A base reaction when you say the truth. When you are at your basic. You react from that baseline. Your propensity to feel, love, hate, cry, laugh...comes from a level and everyone has their own. So if you were asked to sum up your baseline in one sentence, what would that sentence be?

Mutua Matheka did a couple of photography series on success and fears here. I think it pretty much sums up what and who you are. What drives you, what inspires you and what you are running away from, who you aspire to be.

Until very recently I thought I knew who I was but then I started getting this nagging feeling that I am heading in the wrongest of directions. So I have been up for 3 nights now wondering and looking for answers about who and what I am. Not as easy as it sounds...Looking for that sentence that would best describe me truthfully. Here's my conclusion:

I am Murasta and I have no idea who I am anymore.

So who are you?


  1. kweli nimo naona u have no clue of who u are.... guess i have a hint. But i will sleep on it to figure out if it really describes you or its just my imagination. :-)

  2. To be honest no one really knows....It takes time and for some of the perpetually confused (read Ohweknow) we are in constant search mode trying to find out answers to these basic but most difficult of questions to answer...all the best in your search for these answers...

  3. Wow...this is a hard one. Sometimes I feel like I'm several people within, and they are at odds with each other...slugging it out to see who comes out tops...

    Bottomline? I have dreams and I'm on this quest to realize & live those dreams. Sometimes I'll remember to consult what I believe in to get a feel of my true north...sometimes I'll forget & get hopelessly lost.

    Do I have it figured out? God No! I'm I scared? Yep. But I don't feel like quitting just yet. Coz despite the sucky bits, it's still fun & beautiful :-)

    PS: I think you will be alright girl.

  4. @Nyambura, Hehehehe! Thanks babe. It'll take a while to combine all the voices in my head to at most 3 or so. That way maybe we'll come to a consensus of sorts. (But some are just such yappers)
    The scary part was when the dream started being realized and I was suddenly sure this was not what I was meant to be doing.That kinda threw a spanner in the works.

    @Ohweknow: Maybe we should combine forces. I hear confusion likes company. :)


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